13 twenty-tonne longmeters of valuable cargo – AKM Group-CZ replenished its own stock of 120 mm mines

AKM Group-CZ has recently replenished its own stock of 120 mm mines as well. Thirteen 20-tonne longliners with this ammunition were shipped to our warehouses.

120-mm mines remain in high demand in dozens of countries. Today there are 56 armed conflicts in the world, and 92 countries are involved in them, and the demand for 120-mm mines as a universal, accurate and effective means of support for both infantry and mechanised units is very high.

But the time to manufacture one mine is much longer than the instant in which it fulfils its combat mission. In today’s conditions, available manufacturing plants are overloaded and cannot keep up with the demand for this munition. Our team, realising all the challenges of modern realities, actively cooperates with proven manufacturers to guarantee stable shipments.

For this reason, replenishment of 120mm mine stocks is first of all a confirmation of our responsibility to the End User and a proof of our reliability as a supplier of defence goods.

For more detailed information, please contact our managers, they’ll be willing to answer all your questions. AKM Group-CZ – your weapon is our experience!