AKM Group-CZ will help to establish a hub for Irpin city vetarans

On February 24th, marking the second anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Irpin City Council signed a Memorandum with the Czech company AKM Group-CZ and the public organization “Veteran Family” outlining intentions to establish a Veterans Support Center to provide assistance to veterans within the Irpin community.

The memorandum for the creation of such center was signed by Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn, CEO of the AKM Group-CZ Volodymyr Klepetko, and the head of the public organization “Veteran Family” Borys Balmasov.

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According to Volodymyr Klepetko, CEO of AKM Group-CZ, the company aims to assist in creating Ukraine’s first modern veterans’ hub to support veterans’ organizations, social adaptation, psychological rehabilitation, legal consultations for military personnel, and their families.

“Borys Balmasov, the head of the ‘Veteran Family’ public organization, stated, the hub will have two functional zones – open space and a consultation center with rooms for psychological and legal assistance.”

Anton Holovenko, a deputy of the Irpin City Council, highlighted that the primary tasks of hub will be to create a platform for interaction between veterans and local authorities and to foster socialization among war veterans through informal communication.

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Founded in 2001 in Prague by Czech citizens, AKM Group-CZ serves as a European dealer for renowned global manufacturers, holding exclusive contracts for the purchase of military products and dual-use goods. The company is involved in developing its logistic infrastructure and initiating joint production of weapons and ammunition in various countries. AKM Group-CZ supplies a range of products including firearms, artillery ammunition, mines, grenades, drones, and anti-drone systems.

Photos by itvua.tv