AKM Group-CZ at the Solemn Meeting of the Representative Editorial Board of MS Line, s.r.o. Publishing House

On the 16th of January in the Army House in Prague was held a gala event organised by the Czech publishing house MS Line, s.r.o., to which our company was invited.

The publishing house MS Line, s.r.o. specialises in publications in the field of defence, security and industry. The meeting was dedicated to the preparation of the new issue of Review magazine, which covers innovations in the field of defence. Among the guests of the evening were representatives of the editorial board of the magazine as well as friends and partners representing the Senate of the Czech Republic, the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament, the Office of the Government, the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic and many other honoured guests.

Such events have already become traditional for MS Line, s.r.o.. During the meeting, current trends in the field of security and prospects for international co-operation were discussed.

On behalf of our company we express our sincere gratitude to MS Line, s.r.o. for organising such an important event, for the warm friendly atmosphere and for the opportunity to spend invaluable time in the circle of professionals and key players of the defence industry in the Czech Republic.

AKM Group-CZ thanks for the joint event and expresses its intention for further close co-operation.